By Auto Mation

Open printer lid. This will prevent the printer from carrying out any further print operation.

created: Major code: 1Minor code: 0

By Auto Mation

The rear card hopper is likely empty. Load more cards into the rear hopper and press "Retry" to continue the print job.

created: Major code: 2Minor code: 0Printing Issues

By Auto Mation

The rear card hopper is likely empty. Load more cards into the rear hopper and press "Retry" to continue the print job.

created: Major code: 2Minor code: 0Printing Issues

By Auto Mation

While feeding a card from the hopper, it took too long for the rear sensor to block

created: Major code: 2Minor code: 5Printing Issues

By Luke Ridgway

While feeding a card from the hopper, it took too long for the rear sensor to block

created: Major code: 2Minor code: 5Printing Issues

By Auto Mation

No card was hand-fed into the printer. Press Retry to try again.

created: Major code: 3Minor code: 0

By Auto Mation

A card has jammed or is obstructed in the printer mechanism.

created: Major code: 4Minor code: 0

By Auto Mation

The printer flipper mechanism has jammed, likely due to a stuck card.

created: Major code: 4Minor code: 7Card design software

By Darren Garbett

A card has jammed or is obstructed in the printer mechanism.

created: Major code: 4Minor code: 8

By Auto Mation

The printer flipper mechanism has jammed, likely due to a stuck card.

created: Major code: 4Minor code: 9Printing Issues

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