2:0 Printer has run out of cards

Written By Mark Lescano

The rear card hopper is likely empty. Load more cards into the rear hopper and press "Retry" to continue the print job.

There could be more than one reason for the printer appearing to have run out of cards:

a. The rear card feed hopper is empty.

Add more cards and try a re-print.

b. A card has jammed in the printer.

It is possible a card has jammed in the printer card guides which could be due to the type of cards used.

It is recommended that only cards within the thickness range 0.50 - 1.27mm should be used in the printer. A card thickness greater than 1.27mm will usually jam in the printer card guides.

Open the printer lid, power off the printer and gently remove any jammed card.

c. The printer may be in 'Hand Feed' mode.

Hand feed mode is a printer setting (which can be set by the end user) whereby the printer will not take cards from the rear feed hopper but instead, only take cards from the card slot on the front display panel. (This is the same slot used to feed the long 'T'-shaped Magicard cleaning card).

Hand feed mode is only active when this is set to "ON" and can be easily checked by the end user as follows:

With the printer powered up and initialised, press the "Menu" button on the printer front panel. "Hand feed mode" should be visible in the next sub-menu displayed. Using the arrow key, scroll down and select this option. Set the "hand feed mode" option to "OFF".

Exit all menus and try a re-print (the printer should now feed from the rear card hopper).