How to Install Custom HoloKote

Written By Alan Maxwell
The Custom HoloKote® process can be divided into 3 steps:
  1. Design (see related page, opposite)
  2. Submit (see related page, opposite)
  3. Install   >   This page focuses on Installing Custom HoloKote® into your Magicard Printer.

When your final Custom HoloKote® file is ready you will recieve a confirmation by email from Magicard to say it is now ready for Download from inside your Magicard Support Account.

ℹ️ Some information about the .jfif file:

It will be named with your printer serial number appended with a unique ID, example below:


The HoloKote file extension will be .jfif and the file is locked to your exact printer serial number 🔒 
(you can request the same file to be used for another of your registered printers from inside your Magicard Support Account)

Renaming the file is OK - but do not alter the file extension.


Installing Custom HoloKote® into your printer

  1. Open your printer driver via Control Panel > Devices and Printers
  2. Right Click your printers icon > choose Printing Preferences
  3. In your Driver window select > Printer Upgrades > HoloKote®> Manage HoloKote®
  4. Move the 'Available' HoloKote® into a 'Printer Slot'.

Your Windows printer driver (*only the Windows driver)  should at this point have access to the file inside the 'Available' section:
 - move it into your desired printer slot. Ref Choose a Slot in the image below.
However there are many networking factors which may negate this feature in the Windows driver which are out of our control. 

You can also dowload the Custom HoloKote® .jfif file from inside your Magicard Support Account.
 - Then follow the Offline HoloKote steps shown below by browsing from the driver to the download location and selecting the .jfif HoloKote® file.
 - move it into your desired printer slot. Ref Choose a Slot in the image below.  

HoloKote® .jfif file Installation into your printer

Click the image to enlarge ❐
Magicard Driver - HoloKotes

Offline HoloKote®

If you have already downloaded your Custom HoloKote® File from your Support Account navigate to it from here to add it into the 'Available' panel on the right.

Or if your printers PC is not connected to the internet you can use a different online computer to log into your Magicard support account and download your purchased Custom HoloKote® file, then transfer it over to your printers PC via memory stick, or local network.

Choose a Slot

Your printers 'HoloKote Slots' are listed in the left panel.  Select which slot you wish to add your Custom HoloKote® into.

Use the  [<<]  button to move your available Custom HoloKote® [from the right panel] over to the selected printers slot [on the left panel] Once selected, click OK


How can I restore the original default HoloKote®?

You can download a .zip file containing all the factory default HoloKote® files for your specific printer model and restore them with the procedure above, moving them into the printer slots.
Simply navigate to your printers section of this website, search for the word/s 'Default HoloKote'.