TeamViewer Remote Help

Written By Darren Garbett


For more information about TeamViewer

Use the link below for your operating system when requested by your Magicard Technical Support Agent during your support case.

This will begin downloading the Magicard Quick Support Utility directly from the TeamViewer website:

Windows OSmacOS
Windows OSmacOS


Before requesting remote access to your computer the support engineer will discuss the problem you are experiencing and will explain what actions are being taken.

  • You retain full control of your PC at all times during the remote help session.

  • You can end the session at any time.

  • You should remain at your PC for the duration of the remote help session where possible.

  • The nature of the problem and solution(s) may depend on your system and other variables unknown to the support engineer.

Assistance is provided only as a convenience to end users of Magicard products.

The user agrees that actions and solutuons implemented by the Magicard support engineer are entirely at the user's own risk.

Remote support is provided without warranties of any kind. Magicard or its employees will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or other damages, loss, cost or liability whatsoever that result from, or are related to the remote help session provided by Magicard.

Example install on macOS, Chrome browser

A PC will be the same process as this macOS example.

After clicking the link above the download will automatically begin.
The download is on the bottom left corner in this guide:

Team Viewer installer
Once downloaded click the file to extract the TeamViewer file - this will be in your downloads folder:

Team Viewer installer

Click the TeamViewer file to install. It will load and verify - this may take a minute or so... Then choose to Open when prompted:
TeamViewer permissions
Then the app will open, it may be behind another window! Command-Tab to find it...
You will need to accept the end user licence agreement to Continue:
And accept the Magicard Ltd Disclaimer - as written at the bottom of this page too:
TeamViewer Terms
You will now be shown your ID and Password to provide to your Magicard Support Engineer:
Magicard id and pass